Preparing for a job interview, confidently

Our confidence can ebb and flow with ease, and it’s often when we’re put under pressure or feel nervous that our self-belief can seemingly plummet. Switching careers, interviewing for a new job or applying for a promotion can send our emotions into overdrive, and kick off that nasty spiral of self-doubt. The good news is - there are multiple ways in which you can control this and instantly impress – sometimes you’ve just gotta fake it til you make it. As a confidence coach, job interviews and making good first impressions are my bread and butter – let me tell you how.

On the Day

When it comes to the day of the interview, give yourself the best shot at success. Arrive 15 minutes early, and wait outside to compose yourself. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself ‘in the zone’ – losing the stress of the train journey or the hectic morning at home you’ve escaped. Gather your thoughts, turn your phone off and walk in 5 minutes before the interview starts. Any earlier and it looks like you have nothing better to do. Any later, and you’re considered ‘late’. Arriving flustered doesn’t give off an air of confidence and capability! Greet everyone in the office with a smile, walk confidently and don’t forget to breathe. 

First Impressions

As everyone knows, first impressions are formed almost instantly – so it’s important you make a good one, or even better - a great one. Your body language can say more about you than your spoken language, so as crazy as it seems, practice makes perfect. Set yourself up at home, in front of the mirror, in an office chair, and find your perfect power pose. How will you sit? Will you cross your legs or keep your feet planted? Will you sit up in your chair or lean back? Based on the company culture, role you’re applying for and the impression you want to make – how you physically hold yourself carries more weight than we think. Once you’ve nailed it at home, it’s one less thing to worry about on the day.

Quick tips – hold your head high, keep your shoulders back. Stand tall. Make eye contact, and hold it! Nothing screams fear like a refusal to meet your interviewer’s eye. Use a firm grip and eye contact when shaking hands. Avoid crossing your arms, keep your body language open. Practice looking relaxed (even if you don’t feel it).

Dress to Impress

There’s that age old saying, ‘dress for the job you want, not for the job you have’ – which very much applies for interviews. Wear an outfit that you feel confident, professional and comfortable in. The last thing you want to be doing during the interview is worrying if your skirt has ridden up or your tights are laddered. Feeling confident in how you look will help you to act confidently, and as a result you will make a better impression. 

Be Inquisitive

Whilst preparation is key, it’s important to treat the interview like a conversation, not an interrogation. When we are approaching stressful situations, we often try and prepare for every outcome and question in our minds so that we are not caught off guard. Sometimes, if we are too ‘in our head’, we can come across as robotic, or over-prepared. As strange as it may feel, try and go with the flow. Relax into the conversation and try to actually enjoy the process. As much as they are assessing you for the role, don’t forget that you are also assessing them. Don’t be afraid to arrive armed with a list of questions for them – whether this be around bonuses or the company culture. Be curious, be inquisitive and trust your gut instinct. 

Money Matters

The idea of having a conversation around money and asking for what you need can send us all spiralling. Try and be as comfortable and conversational around this topic as you can. Work out exactly what you want to know before you head in. Find an appropriate time during the interview (often towards the end) to ask ‘What salary are you offering for this position?’. Take the lead, don’t wait for them to ask you what you expect. Do your research, prepare for the conversation and have those figures firmly in your mind. Don’t let the conversation around salaries catch you off guard. 

Wrapping Up

How you end the meeting can be as crucial as how you start it. Once you feel the interview is coming to a close, make sure you have found out all the information about the company or team you need, and have asked any questions relevant to the opportunity. Thank the interviewer for taking the time out of their day to meet you. Don’t be scared to ask them what the next steps are, or when they will be making their decision. Act confidently, regardless of how well it went – remember, fake it til you make it.

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