HELLO magazine: Cold Water Therapy

Every week I write a column for Hello Magazine, and am on a mission to cut through the noise and find out what really works, in order to help you become the happiest, healthy version of yourself. I set out to explore everything and anything I can to increase happiness, and promise not to hold back.

Living in a world that’s constantly pushing and pulling us to achieve more, do more or earn more – can be overwhelming to say the least. One thing we can all agree we want more of, and let’s be honest, need, is happiness. The quest to be happy can feel both all-consuming and never-ending, and often we don’t know where to start to reach those desired dopamine levels or feel energised by joy.

There’s a lot of noise out there in the wellness industry, with an abundance of treatments, therapies and professionals on offer – all promising to boost our general wellbeing and in turn make us happier. But what really works? How do you know where to start? This week I tried cold water therapy..

I know I’m not alone in thinking I’m the only one who didn’t kick off January submerged in a freezing cold ice bath. My social media was flooded with footage of even the most unlikely candidates lowering themselves, grimacing, into a rather unpleasant looking bin/bucket/bath of iced cold water. Smiling through gritted teeth, you couldn’t help feeling sorry for the pained expressions and freezing limbs– that is, until they emerged afterwards; looking smug, glowy and buzzing for the day ahead. Could it be that Wim Hof really is on to something with the whole ‘cold water exposure’ thing? A favourite of the A-List, and Loved by Miranda Kerr, Harry Styles, Lizzo and Kendall Jenner – perhaps there’s method to the madness. In my pursuit of happiness, I had to give it a go.

My normal routine is foggy, and I start most days feeling exhausted, slow and reluctant to get going. I’m more of a piping hot bubble bath before bed kinda girl, but in the name of research, I decided to start with a cold shower. In the depths of January, the full-body-bath plunge felt like something I needed to gear myself up for. I started off by showering at my normal temperature, and once I was squeaky clean, switched the shower to (very) cold for the last 20 seconds. I survived! I increased the time each morning, and although reluctant to admit, I became hooked on the feeling (after, not during the shower).

Starting the day with a cold plunge gives you an immense feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you’ve pushed yourself through the initial discomfort, and are then able to reap and enjoy the reward. After the first couple of days, having worked up to a minute in the cold, the difference in my morning mindset was remarkable. My mind was focused, I felt calm and alert, and my productivity increased enormously.

Not for the fainthearted, it’s certainly not the easiest way to start the day, but the rewards outweigh any initial discomfort. I don’t believe it necessarily gets any easier, but you’ll feel proud of yourself for pushing through and persevering. Plus it gives you bragging rights in the office.

You can read my column for Hello magazine here


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