Healthy & Happy Resolutions
What is it about the New Year that makes us panic into thinking we need to become a happier, thinner, more adventurous, more accomplished, ‘better’ version of ourselves? It’s a juicy cocktail of feeling unfulfilled, pressure to confirm, comparisons to others (thank you social media) and quite frankly, boredom. I think we can all agree, it’s time to change this toxic narrative. Don’t we all have enough to worry about and keep our minds occupied, without putting the extra pressure on ourselves? I think so.
Just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with making resolutions and having goals to work towards. There is however, something wrong with feeling like you have to create a whole new version of ‘you’, just because it’s the New Year. The pressure can be overwhelming, as we set unrealistic goals for ourselves and feel like a failure when we inevitably don’t reach them.
Here are some ideas for positive resolutions to aim towards, that will set you up for success and lead you into the New Year, perfect just as you are.
The power of saying no.
Saying no, is ironically, the most liberating and freeing resolution to live by. It’s truly a one-size fits all approach – from social occasions you never enjoy, family gatherings you feel pressured to attend, taking on extra work when you’re already at capacity, signing yourself up to provide home-baked cakes for the parents meeting when you barely have time to brush your hair. The list goes on. Learning how to say no is the ultimate form of self-care, and no-one will think any less of you for prioritising your own needs.
Buy less – shop sustainably
If we’ve learned anything since the pandemic hit, isn’t it that we all have too much stuff? With little else to do, the British public spent weeks clearing clutter out of their homes, to unshackle ourselves of all the clutter we’ve gathered over the years. We just don’t need it. What we do need, is to buy less, and shop more sustainably. Or even better, shop second-hand. Pay attention to the brands that are paying attention to our planet. Ignorance is no longer bliss, and the further away we step from single use shopping, the better.
Invest in yourself
We don’t yet fully understand the implications on our mental health as a result of the multiple lockdowns, but I think we can all agree that each and every one of us has been affected, in some way or another. The saving grace is that no-one is alone with this, and there are so many brilliant options for us to start building our confidence and working on our mindset. From online courses and workshops to free webinars, take time this year to invest in yourself. Learn a new weird and wonderful skill. Ever tried origami? Me neither, but I bet there’s a course out there somewhere.
Spend Wisely
Small businesses were forced to make huge changes and adaptations to their entire business models in order to survive the ever-changing rules and regulations. Remarkably, last year saw an enormous rise in entrepreneurship, and as a result many brilliant businesses and new ideas have been born. Let’s do all we can to show our love and support to those who need it most – from your morning coffee to your online food deliveries. If you’re thinking ahead to birthday presents and gifts, why not shop around for something unique or crafted by a small business. You can be sure they will appreciate your order far more than Amazon prime ever will.
Learn how to be happy alone
The key thing here is, learning how to happy being alone, not just being alone. Once you’ve mastered that skill, being alone can feel truly liberating, and not at all terrifying. A small step you can take towards this, is writing a list of all the things you enjoy doing alone – big or small. From doing the weekly shop to watching a new series or filling the car up with petrol – what allows you to feel independent and gives you peace? No matter how scary it feels at first, start small and work your way down the list – in time you’ll be booking solo holidays and tables for one. Be warned, once you start – you won’t want to stop.
Health really is Wealth
This one seems so blindingly obvious, but is often neglected as people start to make their resolutions. So what does health really mean? It means taking care of yourself, prioritising your needs, putting sleep first and of course – saying no. Health is feeling like you’re able to spring out of bed in the morning and tackle whatever lies ahead for that day. The end of the festive period can leave us feeling totally drained and unbalanced, encouraging us to set unrealistic goals surrounding diet, exercise and our physical appearance. Focus on the inside – nourish your body, find a form of exercise that you love and the rest will come. Life really is too short to obsess over a number on the scale.
Show Kindness
Kindness comes in many forms, shapes and sizes, but really it comes down to how you make others feel. It costs nothing and it makes you feel good – so surely that’s a win all around? There are a million different ways to add kindness into your daily routine, whether that’s paying someone a compliment, checking in on a friend or going out of your way to help someone. Buy an extra coffee for your colleague. Pick up some flowers on your way home. Tell a stranger you like their shoes. It’s something you small you can do every day, with a big impact on those around you.
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