HELLO magazine: Biohacking

Every week I write a column for Hello Magazine, and am on a mission to cut through the noise and find out what really works, in order to help you become the happiest, healthy version of yourself. I set out to explore everything and anything I can to increase happiness, and promise not to hold back.

Living in a world that’s constantly pushing and pulling us to achieve more, do more or earn more – can be overwhelming to say the least. One thing we can all agree we want more of, and let’s be honest, need, is happiness. The quest to be happy can feel both all-consuming and never-ending, and often we don’t know where to start to reach those desired dopamine levels or feel energised by joy.

There’s a lot of noise out there in the wellness industry, with an abundance of treatments, therapies and professionals on offer – all promising to boost our general wellbeing and in turn make us happier. But what really works? How do you know where to start? This week I tried biohacking.

What is biohacking?

Also known as ‘do-it-yourself’ biology, biohacking is the art and science of making incremental changes to your body, diet and lifestyle, in order to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Biohackers believe that by harnessing the molecular knowledge we have about the body, we are able to mimic its processes to influence our health. Using biology, we can manipulate bodily function and structures to optimise themselves.

Put simply, biohacking is like cracking the code for self-enhancement. It’s a term that encompasses many different elements of wellness, and can include anything from monitoring your sleep patterns, modifying your diet or making sure you drink enough water. The fancy name feels intimidating, but it’s likely that if you are already on a path towards ‘better health’, you are practicing biohacking in one way or another.

What are the benefits?

Where biohacking differs from traditional western medicine, is that is focuses on education and prevention of disease and illness, rather than ‘fixing the damage’. In this sense, the benefits are reported to be endless, and can include; decreasing the risk of developing a disease that you’re genetically predisposed to, optimizing a bodily function to enhance overall health (digestion, metabolism, blood pressure etc) or simply helping you to achieve physical, mental or emotional changes – such as weight loss or alleviating the symptoms of depression. It’s also said to reduce stress, increase productivity and improve memory function. The brilliant thing about biohacking is that the benefits can be tailored to your individual health goals and you can simply focus on what’s right for you – without being intimidated by the terminology!

How can I try it?

For those interested in experimenting with different ways to ‘enhance health’, it seems there are more and more options, treatments and therapies cropping up – all promising to do just this. On my quest for enhanced health and happiness, I visited Repose, a boutique wellness space that offers a range of classes and treatments, as well as having its own dedicated biohacking lab. Compiling of an infrared sauna, cryo chamber and photobiomodulation (also know as red light therapy). I tried all three, and here’s how I got on..

Infrared Sauna

First up was twenty minutes in a private infrared sauna. Initially I was apprehensive about spending so long in there, feeling hot and trapped, but as always – the time flew. I didn’t feel ‘hot’ for the first 12 – 15 minutes, so it was mostly enjoyable and comfortable. Repose have the option to connect your phone to the Bluetooth speakers – so you can play your tunes or listen to a podcast during your session. The sauna is used for detoxing, improving energy and circulation, vitamin D replenishment and skin purification. I dry body-brushed before I started, and lay in the sauna with my legs in the air against the well for some extra detoxing! I sweat-out a lot in the sauna, especially in the last couple of minutes, and definitely felt the benefits of this kickstarting the detox process. I emerged feeling cleansed, lighter and more energised.

Photobiomodulation (red light therapy)

Next up was a stint in the photobiomodulation chamber, also known as red light therapy. It’s a full body treatment, which aims to accelerate the natural healing process of the body using near-infrared light at specific wavelengths. Clothes off, you lie in the chamber for twenty minutes, whilst the light works its magic on your skin. On a cellular level, the treatment is designed to strengthen your mitochondria, which generates more energy in your cells, allowing your body to function at a more optimal level. Frequent users have reported less inflammation, increased energy and a faster recovery period after injury. You don’t feel anything happening while you’re in there, nor when the session finishes – so it’s difficult to comment on the efficiency of the treatment.

Cryo Chamber

The benefits of cryotherapy have been widely reported on, and are said to rejuvenate the body and aid its natural ability to recover. Using the cryotherapy after the heat treatments is said to enhance the benefits of both treatments, while releasing endorphins and improving the blood flow. Wearing whatever you feel comfortable in (I chose gym shorts and a crop top), you are provided with a pair of socks, slippers, gloves and a headband before stepping in. You stand in the chamber (which drops down to -85 degrees) for a very chilly three minutes. As obvious as it sounds, it’s very very cold in there! Repose offer the option to choose a song to be played while you’re in the chamber, which was a great distraction and helped released those happy endorphins.

The rush of endorphins hits the minute you’re finished, and it truly is an incredible feeling. Your body returns to normal temperature remarkably quickly, and your left with a complete sense of clarity and feeling energised. This was by far my favourite element of the bio-hacking experience, and the one which instantly boosted my wellbeing.

Would I recommend biohacking?

The more I learn about biohacking, the more I realise it’s just another modality and umbrella term for enhancing your health health. As always, the most important elements of your wellbeing are making sure you get enough good quality sleep, exercising, drinking enough water, managing stress and eating well. Once you’ve taken care of these key components, you’re well on your way to living a healthier better lifestyle. For those looking to go the extra mile, biohacking treatments are a great option. I really enjoyed and felt the benefits of my three sessions, and would definitely go back if I felt I needed a boost. However the experience was definitely more of a luxury than a necessity. When it comes to ‘wellness’, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the variety of treatments on offer, so I would advise just keeping it simple, and making small tweaks to your routine to help you start feeling happier and healthier.

 Read the article on Hello Magazine here


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